August 18, 2014
Today’s Mission Moment has been waiting a bit, so that we could secure permissions to share it. Mike Whelan and Cora Taylor are gathering some additional specifics, so that we can share the full story with a wider audience. In the meantime, here’s what I know…
Sometimes big things really do come in small packages, and hearts are clearly no exception. The week before last, 12 year old Meghan Meehan (no relation) arrived at Good Shepherd with items for our maternity girls and their babies. This wasn’t a huge surprise, since Meghan had been here last year, because family and friends from St. Dominic Savio parish had held a diaper drive for Good Shepherd. This visit, however, was a little different. On her own initiative, Meghan spent the summer raising money. She ran a lemonade stand, worked in a summer camp, and even solicited individual donations from family and friends. In all, she raised $120 and used it to buy items for maternity program. Even better, she shared with me that she prays for Good Shepherd and for those we serve—in her own daily prayers and also with some other girls from her parish. Aside from having a truly sensational last name, Meghan is an inspiration—a sign that the Holy Spirit is alive and well and changing the world through the actions of those willing to heed His call.
…“Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child* will not enter it.” Then he embraced them and blessed them, placing his hands on them…
Mark 10: 14-16