Ken and Alix Catalanotto discussed becoming foster parents for years and felt it was the right time for their family to pursue this interest. They completed the necessary training and became licensed foster parents in December of 2014. Ken and Alix want to help children; who have experienced trauma, to feel safe, loved, and valued. There is a great need in the foster care system for families willing to care for older children and the Catalanotto’s are particularly interested in caring for this age range. Ken and Alix received a call concerning twin 11 year old boys and after meeting the boys they arranged for the kids to move to their home in January of 2015. Shortly after the boys moved in, their seven year old brother was also placed in the home. Ken and Alix and their two adult children were able to connect with the boys and helped them transition to a kinship home a few weeks later. The kinship home did not work out and the boys again needed placement. Ken and Alix were happy to see the 11 year old boys return to their home. Although the Catalanotto’s are new foster parents, they have already experienced the ups and downs of foster care and have been able to provide a safe and stable home for children in need.
The Catalanotto’s Story