True Life Stories - Good Shepherd - Page 4


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February 16, 2021

Juan and Dessa: How Fostering a Teen Changed Our Lives

Juan and Dessa know what it’s like to be looked at by a child with hope in their eyes. They had gone through the experience of fostering children, once even welcoming five siblings into their home and caring for them until they all reached permanency. It was quite a jump […]

Angels All Around Us: Collin, Bailey, and Parker

Collin and Bailey knew they were going to be together from their first date – “He couldn’t get rid of me if he tried,” says Bailey – and talked about their plans to have babies almost immediately. That plan always included adoption because they wanted to share the love of […]

November 14, 2020

Jacob, Gretal, and Anna: Entrusted with a Baby, Blessed with an Extended Family

Jacob and Gretal welcomed Anna into their lives when she was just nine days old. They knew they would maintain a relationship with the tiny baby’s birth mom, but they didn’t expect to eventually melt into what feels like a very large extended family with a very special connection. Good […]

Rebekah and Raylie: Fostering that Grew Into Adoption

Rebekah says she feels like God gave her the desire to adopt when she was young, and she never wavered. After returning from missionary work in the Dominican Republic, she began the process of getting certified as a foster parent through Good Shepherd Children & Family Services. She vividly remembers […]