Chapel Blessing
By Dr. Michael Meehan, Executive Director
On Wednesday, the Archbishop will bless our chapel and altar. He will then celebrate Mass in the Ave Maria Chapel at Good Shepherd. For me, this represents the fulfillment of a collective dream, as well as the end of one journey and the beginning of another. One Wednesday, Jesus will be physically present at Good Shepherd. Although our chapel has its own tabernacle, in an important way, the whole agency will now be a tabernacle. In our midst will be the embodiment of what we already know spiritually—that Jesus walks this journey with us and that this ministry is His. I suspect that I will shed more than a few tears in gratitude for that gift.
As often happens, this journey has also been a lesson in the frailty of human plans. On Friday, our own Jack Lipin learned that his mother passed away and that he would have to travel home to Maryland for the entirety of this week. He knew this was a possibility, but still it saddens me that Jack, who was to serve as Deacon during the first Mass in our new chapel, will miss the commissioning. His hard work and prayers have been at the heart of this project since the beginning. I have assured him that we are simply “breaking it in” for him. In the meantime, please lift up Jack and his family in your prayers this week and in the weeks that follow. While you’re at it, please pray also that our new chapel will be a place of peace, healing, and refuge—a place where all who enter may encounter the boundless love and mercy of the Risen Lord.
Yours in Christ,