Christmas Reflection - Good Shepherd


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December 20, 2016

Christmas Reflection

A Christmas reflection from our Executive Director, Dr. Michael Meehan.


The Christmas season is indeed upon us, and the outpouring of support from our donors, including individuals, families, companies, churches/parishes, and the Curia of the Archdiocese, has been amazing.  With the help of generous donations of gifts, time, and money, we have been able to fulfill the Christmas wishes of a whopping 346 clients. This includes 126 foster youth and their siblings, 11 teen moms and their babies in our Maternity Shelter, and 53 expectant and newly parenting moms and their families in our EP Program.  Aside from a mountain of Christmas gifts from client and agency wish lists, donations included $900 in cash contributions and nearly $4000 in much needed gift cards for food and personal items.  In all, 97 wonderful donors made a huge difference in the lives of those we serve this Christmas.


In addition, our Board of Directors donated a total of $685 to sponsor a Christmas party for our Maternity moms at Glen Echo Country Club today, extending that new tradition for the residents of our Shelter.


I am deeply grateful for the support we’ve received.  It’s a wonderful reflection of the joyful hope of the Christmas season, which celebrates not merely the birth of Jesus Christ in history—but also His daily presence in our hearts and world.  I wish I could say that our work here is done—that our services are no longer needed.  If anything, they’re more needed than ever, but as long as there are children and families in need, we will strive to be here for them—connecting children with families and keeping families together.  I’m am proud to partner with our donors and supporters, as well as with my incredible staff, to serve our Lord by serving those in desperate need.  I hope that you will continue with us in that partnership, for together I know that we can make a meaningful and lasting difference in a troubled world.


God bless and Merry Christmas!!!