Mission Moment (11/4/2016) - Good Shepherd


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November 7, 2016

Tuesday marks a critically important election, one that may change the direction of our state and our country for years to come. It’s an election likely to impact many of us personally, as well as the individuals and families we serve.  It’s an election that has been perhaps the most divisive in our country’s history…and one that has been a source of conflict, demoralization, and disillusionment for many. Even if you’re not entirely sure of right answer, I urge all of you, just as I have urged my friends and family, to examine the issues and candidates closely, look at them in light of your conscience, and vote—let your voice be heard.


All this being said, I have found myself thinking lately about the things that definitely WON’T change in the aftermath of this election, and it has helped me to refocus.  No matter the outcome of Tuesday’s election, the sun will come up on Wednesday morning, God will be in His heaven, and we will continue to be blessed in countless ways.  For that I am deeply grateful.  Sadly, something else that won’t change is that there will be children and families who desperately need our care—who need and deserve our full attention and dedication.  To be sure, there will also be unborn children at risk of abortion.  There will be families torn apart by abuse, neglect, violence, addiction, and untreated mental illness.  There will be couples praying to be adoptive parents and frightened mothers filled with doubt about their futures.  We will still live in a community divided by racial and economic inequity, and the poor will continue to cry out for our care, respect, and compassion.  When it comes down to it, no matter what happens on Tuesday, our mission and ministry will still exist, and your caring efforts will still be needed.  We will continue to fight the good fight, and if we open our hearts to Him whose ministry this is, we can bring healing and hope to those we serve. It’s what we do best.


God bless you,

