Employment Opportunities - Good Shepherd


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Good Shepherd Children & Family Services provides a caring and compassionate environment for staff, clients, and volunteers. In response to the call of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, to help those in need, we connect children with families and keep families connected. The Archdiocese of Saint Louis and Catholic Charities are committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all persons without regard to race, color, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, citizenship or disability, or other categories protected by laws which are not inconsistent with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. This policy applies to all aspects of hiring, employment, training, promotion, transfer, wages, discipline and dismissal. The Agency does have certain job assignments within its offices or departments where religious background and education are required qualifications for the particular job. If you believe that you are being unlawfully discriminated against, the Agency encourages you to come forward with your concern to your supervisor, to the Catholic Charities Federation Director of Human Resources, to the Catholic Charities Director who has responsibility for the Agency concerned, or to the Agency’s director. Your complaint will be kept confidential pending an investigation by the Agency or by the Federation. The Agency prohibits retaliation against anyone who either opposes unlawful discrimination or exercises his or her right under any law that forbids employment discrimination. The Agency will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing so would result in an undue hardship. This policy governs all aspects of employment, including selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, benefits and training.