About Us:
Hi! We are Adam and Hannah. We met on a blind date in 2015 and got married in 2016. We are both from St. Louis and currently live in South City. We love where we live — it is close to many things we enjoy, like attending cultural events, going on picnics in the park, taking walks and enjoying a range of ethnic foods. Adam has worked in the travel industry for the past 18 years and likes his job, plus the benefits of traveling to fun places. Hannah has her own small business selling body care business at farmer’s markets and has a part time job in a warehouse. We attend a local Christian church and are involved in their events and host a weekly small group at our house. Our faith is very important to us. Hannah is the oldest of eight children, including two adopted siblings. Adam has one sister. Both of our families live in St. Louis and we enjoy spending time with our families on a regular basis. Adam is a big sports fan and Hannah loves reading, writing and doing yoga — among other things! :) We are very excited about becoming parents through adoption.
Our message to you:
Thank you for looking at our profile. We know placing your child is an incredibly difficult decision to make, but we belive you are on the right path for giving your child an amazing future. Our desire is to give your child and loving and caring home to grow up in surrounded by family and friends who want nothing but the best for them. Thank you for the opportunity for us to become parents, it is something that is so important to us. To entrust us with you child is a privilege we don’t take for granted. Thank you.
To learn more about placing your baby with Adam & Hannah or to talk to an adoption worker, please call our 24/7 adoption hotline at 314-724-8417.