Henry Saur lives into the wise words of former NFL coach Tony Dungy, who once famously said, “The secret to success is good leadership, and good leadership is all about making the lives of your team members or workers better.”
Mr. Saur serves as Strategic Sales Director (Entertainment Division) at Enterprise Holdings. Read his answers below to get acquainted with one of our newest board members.
What was your first job?
I was a lifeguard in high school.
What’s something new you’ve learned this year?
I have tried hard to be truly present in all my interactions. It is easy to get distracted with the future or the past but to truly be impactful, you must be present. This applies to family, friends, and co-workers.
Why did you choose to be part of the Good Shepherd board?
My family took in a displaced extended family member for a period of time during the pandemic. We experienced the challenges, trauma, and sacrifices that many people experience in these situations. I felt called to do what I can to help others navigate this process the best way possible. My life experience and desire to help families and children led me to Good Shepherd.
I have seen first hand the passion and caring that the Good Shepherd team has for families, mothers, and children. The staff provides the love, support, and necessary treatment for so many people in great need. I am humbled and grateful to be a part of their amazing work.