An In-Depth View of Our Values
Good Shepherd is a Catholic agency—a member of the Catholic Charities federation of agencies within the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Louis. As such, we see our work as a ministry, and more specifically, an extension of the ministry of Jesus Christ, who called all of us to serve those in need. Our Catholic identity informs more than what we do; it also informs why and how we go about our work. The agency’s values have their origin in Catholic social teaching, and whereas we do not expect or require that our employees be Catholic or commit personally to an adherence to Catholic social teaching, we do expect that all employees understand and invest themselves in carrying out their work in a manner consistent with our values. We also hope and pray that this work will be an opportunity for faith formation—a means by which our clients, employees, and volunteers experience God and strengthen their relationship with Him.
Life and Dignity of Human Person:
Because we believe that every life is created by God, we are vocally pro-life, and we work always to respect and uphold the inherent dignity of every human person, born and unborn, Catholic and non-Catholic. We are vocal advocates for the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.
Call to Family, Community, and Participation:
Consistent with our mission and the example provided by Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, we honor the loving bonds of family—those of birth, as well of those of our own choosing through marriage, adoption, and the loving commitment of foster care. We work to support our clients and employees in fulfilling their vocations as members of families, and we work to form a sense of family here at Good Shepherd, celebrating joyful occasions and grieving together life’s inevitable sorrows. As members of a local and global community, we are also committed to giving our clients the tools necessary to improve their lives and to encourage their full participation in society.
Rights and Responsibilities:
We believe that human dignity and the common good can be achieved only when basic human rights are protected and responsibilities to others and society are met. This includes a firm commitment to the notion that all people are entitled to the necessities of life and that all people have a responsibility to one another, to their families, and to the community. In the workplace, we are committed to clear and honest communication, timely feedback, and respectful dialogue with and between employees, as well as accountability regarding our responsibilities to one another, to the agency, and to the clients we serve.
Options for the Poor and Vulnerable:
Consistent with the call of Jesus to help the poor and vulnerable, we are committed always to providing help where help is needed most—to those with little means and little voice.
The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers:
In working, we put into use the gifts we’ve been given by God. As such, we support the rights and efforts of those we serve to secure and maintain meaningful and productive work, and we are committed to creating a culture and work environment at Good Shepherd that is characterized by safety, respect, and fair compensation for our employees.
Recognizing that we are all children of God, we seek to provide care and assistance to all who come to us in need, regardless of circumstance. In the workplace, we recognize that we are most effective when we work as a team. As such, we respect one another, help one another, and support one another—chipping in wherever our efforts are needed most and doing whatever we can to help one another succeed. Likewise, we work collaboratively with other agencies and service providers to strengthen and enhance our child welfare community and best serve those in need.
Care for God’s Creation:
Committed to caring for all of God’s creation, we work always to appreciate and respect the beauty and uniqueness of the people and places around us. We care responsibly for our work environment and for the larger community in which we work.