Mission Moment (August 10, 2015) - Good Shepherd


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August 10, 2015


August 10, 2015

If you build it, He will come…


On Wednesday, our staff hosted a luncheon with Monsignor Mike Turek, the new Pastor of Christ the King Parish in University City (i.e., Good Shepherd’s home parish).  We were joined by Monsignor Jack Schuler from Catholic Charities and our very own Deacon Jim Sigillito.  Lunch was aimed at welcoming Monsignor Turek, as well as introducing him to our agency and mission.  It was no accident that we hosted the luncheon in what will be our new chapel.  Monsignor Turek was quite support of our plans and would like to be present for the chapel’s dedication.


As for the chapel itself, work is well underway.  Some of the ancillary furniture has been crafted and is awaiting staining and finishing.  The altar, ambo, and tabernacle have been ordered, as well as a number of statues and other fixtures.  The windows are on schedule for a September/October installation, and work has also begun on updating the old fireplace to create a fitting backdrop.  All in all, it’s an extraordinarily exciting project, a project that will bring the physical presence of Jesus to Good Shepherd—Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.  I can only imagine the difference that will make!


God bless,

