Mission Moment (December 15, 2014)
December 15, 2014
This past Sunday was Gaudete Sunday (which comes from the Latin for rejoice). It’s also called Joyful Sunday. We have many reasons to rejoice this week at Good Shepherd, but I will name only a few:
- Our Maternity Program is bursting at the seams. With 12 moms and 10 babies scheduled to be here to celebrate Christmas, we are blessed indeed! From a very practical standpoint, this has meant pulling the trigger on filling some new positions. With so many “heads in beds,” we need more staff to care for them, and with so many babies in the house, it’s always full of joyful noise.
- With our record breaking permanency numbers this past contract year, 77 of our foster youth are spending this Christmas in loving, permanent homes! That is a simply humbling number, and I am immensely proud of the work our Foster Care team was able to do this year, despite a great many ups and downs as we filled staff positions and continued to get our footing in Jefferson County.
- Plans for a chapel here at Good Shepherd continue to move forward, and last week we saw a draft version of the proposed stained glass window designs (and they were gorgeous). The proposed designs include one window with an image of a young and pregnant Mary and one window with St. Gerard Majella (Patron Saint of Expectant Mothers). Once we have a solid budget, we can begin the task of planning and fundraising. The knowledge that Jesus could be physically present for us here at Good Shepherd in our own chapel is certainly a reason for rejoicing.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as can make it to our Christmas shindig on December 17th.
Yours in Christ,