Mission Moment (July 27, 2015) - Good Shepherd


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July 27, 2015

July 27, 2015

A few Fridays ago, Good Shepherd held one of its bi-annual All Staff Meetings.  We heard from the President of Catholic Charities, as well as Catholic Charities’ new Chief Financial Officer, Mark Vogt and St. Patrick’s Center’s new Executive Director, Laurie Phillips.  We laughed, prayed, and broke bread together, but perhaps most importantly, we recognized the dedicated service of all Good Shepherd employees with five our more years of service.  In all, we recognized 22 employees who have given between five and 41 years of service to our mission and clients.  Collectively, there was over 300 years of service represented in the attached picture.  That’s pretty impressive stuff if you ask me. Imagine all the lives touched in those years!