Did you know it is never too late to have a family? A child can remain in foster care until the age of 21 and the importance of a family and life-long connections is critical to stability and success as a child moves into adulthood. If a family is identified to provide permanency, guardianship is no longer an option after the age of 18, but an adult adoption is. This allows the young adult to leave the foster care system, but with the love and guidance of a forever family. You may remember Alisia Joe from a recent article about the Indian Child Welfare Act. Alisia was also adopted by her foster mother in May of this year. She enjoys telling people that she is adopted and sharing her story. Alisia feels that she is doing her part to help educate others about adoption, particularly other children and teenagers in foster care. An adult adoption was the right path for her because she felt that her foster mother loved her as if she were her biological child. She states, “Adoption felt more secure. I know I will forever have a home.”
National Adoption Month: Adult Adoption