adoption - Good Shepherd - Page 2


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March 11, 2022

I’m Not Ready to be a Mom

Is this your experience? “I feel pressure to parent from everyone around me, but I just am not ready to be a mom.” Families and friends impact the decisions we make all the time. Many pregnant women feel enormous pressure to parent because of their families or cultural beliefs. However, […]

November 14, 2020

Jacob, Gretal, and Anna: Entrusted with a Baby, Blessed with an Extended Family

Jacob and Gretal welcomed Anna into their lives when she was just nine days old. They knew they would maintain a relationship with the tiny baby’s birth mom, but they didn’t expect to eventually melt into what feels like a very large extended family with a very special connection. Good […]

March 16, 2016

Mission Moment (March 16, 2016)

Mission Moment March 16, 2016 All too often, conversation about infant adoption focuses almost exclusively on the baby being adopted and the family doing the adopting.  It’s not that such a focus is inherently misguided (there is much to celebrate for all involved); it’s simply incomplete.  Left out is the […]

March 8, 2016

Adoption: A Loving Alternative

Twice in the past few weeks, Colleen Mulligan  (Expectant Parent – Adoption Liaison), and Emma Vonder Haar (Communication Coordinator) have met with senior theology classes to talk about adoption as an alternative to abortion. The SmartBoard at the front of the classroom starkly displayed the number 8,740. Colleen, a 2009 […]