The Value of Family - Good Shepherd


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January 1, 2022
The last two years have inspired many people to take stock of their lives, to search their souls for what matters to them. And what are they finding? Family is what they value above most everything else.
For Good Shepherd, this has meant that people see ever more significance in our work.
This year, our team has…
  • Created 24 families through adoption
  • Helped 42 children achieve a permanent family out of foster care
  • Licensed 46 new foster/relatives homes to provide children with a family during a time of healing
  • Answered 155 inquiries from families who are interested in becoming foster/adoptive parents
In addition to that, we expanded our service area into Farmington, helped 95% of our pregnancy and parenting support mothers welcome babies of healthy birth weight, and are seeing steady growth in the census of our maternity shelter.
We are thankful for the families who are choosing Good Shepherd as they look for meaning in their lives through adoption, foster care, pregnancy and parenting support. We’re honored to be here for mothers who face every risk factor and turn to us to help them give their children a healthy start.
I’m grateful for our staff, who are energized and excited about what 2022 will bring us, and for our board, who is always there to provide guidance and support. And a special thanks to our donors, who make everything possible.
Here’s to a wonderful 2022 filled with meaningful, life-changing work.