True Life Stories - Good Shepherd - Page 5


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Treatment Foster Care Gets Youth Ready for Successful, Independent Future

by Nishelle Thompson, PLPC, Family Clinician Growing up in foster care isn’t easy. Forced into a reality different than the one you grew up in, not knowing what’s going to happen next, having strangers who tell you they care. When those strangers are empowered to make decisions for you and […]

A Leader in Treatment Foster Care, A Shepherd for Youth

Sometimes she can reach a foster care youth with one of her famous twelve-layer chocolate desserts. Sometimes she’ll get a smile when they see a house decorated for the holidays. And sometimes she will make that connection with a young person by simply turning on a funny movie at the […]

November 4, 2019

National Adoption Month: An Unexpected Blessing

When children are placed in foster care, there are many changes that occur with a new home, new family, new rules, and often a new school. These changes, although they may provide safety from abuse and neglect, can also be traumatic for children. Placing a child with a relative or […]

October 7, 2019

Real Life Stories: Jake & Desirae, Foster Family

Jake and Desirae began their foster care journey in a bit of an unconventional way. Already parents to their biological daughter, then almost two years old, they began caring for 22 month old who was not formally in foster care. The little boy’s mother was a friend of a friend, […]